This week's recipe is simple and wonderful. It includes garlic- which if you've read other things on my site you may have noticed is not part of a "yogic diet" and it's something I typically don't eat. I'm addressing this b/c I've received questions from a few people about it...garlic falls under the category of "rajasic" (an active quality) food. That means garlic can be disturbing and create over activity in your mind. If you have a fiery nature already (your mind/body constitution) you may find yourself more fiery or agitated. It's probably important to note that a "yogic diet" is to facilitate a calm mind that can rest in meditation. And I'm fully aware that the majority of people out there won't change their eating due to this knowledge, which is totally cool by me- I'm not saying you should, just providing information :-) Garlic does have health benefits and can also be used for medicinal purposes. So, lets get on with the recipe!
But first, something we are getting that is not in this recipe is Hakurei Turnips. They are sought after and considered a delicacy by chefs. These are best to be eaten raw with your lettuce in a salad.
What you'll use from your bag:
- Garlic Bulb (roasted, directions below) (1/3 bulb)
- Spring Onion (2-3 sprigs)
- Kale (1 bunch)
What else you'll need:
- Olive Oil (1 Tbs.)
- Veg. Stock (1/3 cup)
- Fresh Thyme (optional) (1 tsp.)
- Salt & Pepper to Taste
- Serving Options...
- Cooked white beans or chick peas
- Spaghetti noddles
- Garnish with Vegan Parmesan cheese
First, prepare:
- cut or break the kale in salad or bit size pieces
- chop spring onion
- chop thyme (if using)
- heat olive oil in a saute pan and saute the spring onions (1-2 minutes)
- add the kale and veg stock and continue sauteing until kale is tender (10-12 minutes)
- add about 1/3 the roasted garlic bulb (roasting directions below) by squeezing the meat out of the garlic head and stir to incorporate
- add thyme (if using)
- add beans or pasta (if using)
- season with salt and pepper
- Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese (if using)
- Serve
Happy Eating!
Roasted Garlic Directions...
- Trim off the stem of the blub to expose the inside
- Preheat oven to 375°F
- Drizzle garlic heads with olive oil and a bit of salt
- Wrap in parchment paper and then in aluminum foil
- Bake for 45 to 55 minutes until garlic is tender and starting to come out of it's skin.
- Cool before handling
- To use garlic, squeeze the garlic meat out of the skins and add to your recipe.
* you can keep roasted garlic in the fridge for a few days